The Star presents Growth Champions 2021

AMID a global pandemic now in its second year, endurance and survival are the dominant ambitions for most Malaysian business leaders.

Yet to what extent companies can weather the current challenges will depend, to a large extent, on the state they were when Covid-19 struck.

A list of companies which were in an excellent position at that time can now be found here: Malaysia’s Growth Champions.

Compiled by the international market research firm Statista with the support of The Star, it identified the nation’s companies with the highest revenue growth in percentage, this time covering the years 2016-2019.

“The ranking is now in its second edition – and we hope that this is an anniversary everybody is glad to see, particularly since we could increase the number of winners from 20 to 25”, said Statista senior partner Thomas Clark.

Although the massive revenue growth recorded by these companies stem from the time just before the pandemic hit, Clark is convinced that the list is a strong indicator that these companies will also navigate well through the current economic crisis.

“After all, only independent companies driven by organic growth were allowed to enter the ranking – and the ability to increase sales predominantly on a massive level without acquisitions or accounting tricks underlines the strength and, thus, credibility of these companies,” he added.

Most of Malaysia’s Growth Champions are tech companies, eight in total.

However, the spectrum of industries covered is wide, from construction and energy to food and retail.

Only two winners in the list are stock-listed which means that the revenue of the others is often published for the first time.

The data below was compiled by active research from Statista’s analysts, flanked by a call for registrations made in The Star – with the submitted numbers being verified by top managers.
The Star presents Growth Champions 2021

Source : The Star